Princeton Environmental Film Festival special events

I have a long list of reasons why I love to work at the Princeton Public Library and close to the top of that list is my involvement with The Princeton Environmental Film Festival (PEFF). This annual event has been growing in success and popularity for the last seven years under Susan Conlon’s wing.

This summer, we just can’t wait for the official festival in 2014. We have collaborated with the Garden Theatre to host two upcoming screenings, “Shored Up” and “GMO OMG”, complete with post-screening Q &A with the filmakers.

June 12 – Shored Up : Filmmaker Ben Kalina previewed clips from his new film, “Shored Up,” at our Hurricane Sandy panel discussion earlier this year. After a successful premiere at the Montclair Film Festival,  he returns to Princeton for a full screening.

Shored Up is a documentary that asks tough questions about our coastal communities and our relationship to the land. What will a rising sea do to our homes, our businesses, and the survival of our communities? Can we afford to pile enough sand on our shores to keep the ocean at bay? In Long Beach Island, New Jersey and the Outer Banks of North Carolina, surfers, politicians, scientists and residents are racing to answer these questions. Beach engineering has been our only approach so far, but is there something else out there to be explored? Our development of the coastlines put us in a tough predicament, and it’s time to start looking for solutions.”  Check out the trailer here.

Ben Kalina, the producer/director and Ben Horton, Professor Ocean and Environmental Sciences and Sea Level Research will join us for a post screening Q & A

Tickets are available online on Eventbrite proceeds benefit PEFF.

July 9 – GMO OMG: If you are a longtime festival attendee you may recall “Dive” by Jeremy Seifert, he has now come out with a new film GMO OMG. (I can’t resist) OMG it is such a great film!

GMO OMG explores the systematic corporate takeover and potential loss of humanity’s most precious and ancient inheritance: seeds. Director Jeremy Seifert investigates how loss of seed diversity and corresponding laboratory assisted genetic alteration of food affects his young children, the health of our planet, and freedom of choice everywhere. GMO OMG follows one family’s struggle to live and eat without participating in an unhealthy, unjust, and destructive food system. In GMO OMG, the encroaching darkness of unknown health and environmental risks, chemical toxins, and food monopoly meets with the light of a growing global movement to take back what we have lost. Has the global food system been irrevocably hijacked? Or can we take back our food, heal the planet, and live sustainably? The choice is ours, but we have to start now!”

Jeremy Seifert will join us for a post screening Q & A who will be participating in two other events in town. Watch for fliers and check our website so you don’t miss out.

Tickets are available online on Eventbrite proceeds benefit PEFF.

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