Some call us wizards or the keepers of knowledge. Superheroes, geniuses, guides and human search engines – we’ve heard it all. I recently earned my master’s degree and, when it came in the mail, it read “Master of Information.” This got me thinking, what makes us, librarians, the masters of information? Yes, the years of school and training contribute, but so does our passion for helping others. However, in order to be the master of any craft, you need the right tools.
As librarians, our greatest tool is our curiosity and our constant search for new and accurate information. The research we do allows us to show you where to go for the information you need and, in turn, makes these resources readily available. Our online databases act as your sword, your trident and your shield – arming you with the best defense against misinformation, and the best offense for all life’s curiosities.
Our database offerings are vast and can help with many questions from genealogical research and business to resume resources and health information. Voracious bibliophiles can find their next great read with Novelist Plus and researchers can find historic newspaper articles using ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Consumers can use the Weiss Guides or ValChoice, or even MasterFILE Complete to locate Consumer Reports articles. And students and researchers of any kind can find journal articles through JSTOR and Academic Search Premier. As masters of information, or information heroes, if you will, our greatest trait is that we want to share our power. And, as for our goal, to fight evil, of course! And, to make sure that you know that, with a little help from your friendly, neighborhood librarian, you too can be a master of information.
The library’s online databases can be browsed in alphabetical order or by subject. For guidance and assistance using these databases or other research inquiries, ask us. We’re here to help you.
Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash