Margery Cuyler has been involved in the children’s book field most of her life. To date, she has written 57 children’s books, including such classics as “Skeleton Hiccups,” “100th Day Worries,” and “That’s Good! That’s Bad!” She also has held executive positions at a number of publishers, including Holiday House, Macmillan, and Golden Books Family Entertainment. She grew up in a haunted house in Princeton, and after living in Boston, New York, and Connecticut, she and her husband returned to Princeton. They are frequently visited by their two grown sons. Margery, although retired from full-time work, continues to consult for a variety of publishers and is a member of an active writer’s group. Occasionally, she is “author of the day” at an elementary school, where she in inspired by the children with whom she interacts. She is currently working on a series of books about a young math wizard named Addy McBean, which will be released in 2024.