We invite you to check out this month’s PPL Youth Services recommendations for activities, resources and new books in the library collection for children up to 5 years old and their families.
One Year Anniversary of Storytime Shorts
Last spring, when it became clear that we would not be able to safely offer our in-person storytimes, we launched “Storytime Shorts,” a virtual storytime series available on the library’s YouTube channel for on-demand viewing. This month marks the library’s one-year anniversary of producing what has become a valuable way for our staff to share favorite picture books, songs and rhymes. To date, we have had thousands of views of our playlist. In addition to Storytime Shorts, our online storytime resources have grown over the past year to include Storytime At Home, La hora de cuentos (Spanish Storytime Shorts), Storytime Songs and Rhymes, and Lit Lab (for ages 5+). If you and your child haven’t already, be sure to tune in to share stories, songs and rhymes with us!
Books for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with your little one by sharing books from our Youth Services staff-curated list featuring and honoring Asian Pacific Islander American authors, illustrators, characters, culture and heritage. Join us in the virtual story room for Storytime Shorts episodes featuring some of the picture books highlighted in the list.
Terhune Orchard Story Corner and Read & Pick Program
Tune in Tuesdays at 11 a.m. for Story Corner with Ms. Elaine, a live storytime from the farm on Terhune Orchards’ Facebook page. All episodes are then available on demand on the farm’s YouTube channel. In addition, the farm also offers Read & Pick, an innovative in-person program that combines hands-on experience on the farm with an educational program, and listening to a story that highlights that activity. Both are great ways to introduce your young child to the fun of the farm.
“Because I’m New” by Brad Sneed
This recently published picture book is a sweet addition to books about becoming an older sibling. A new baby in the family means many changes — from late night diaper changes to learning new ways to play — but here, baby tells their older sibling just what to expect.
“Applesauce Is Fun To Wear ” by Nancy Raines Day
What’s more fun than eating your food? Wearing it! And, toddlers are especially talented at that. This adorable new picture book features a diverse cast of babies making a delightful mess at mealtime.
Image courtesy of the library.