What makes a community? What makes a community welcoming? And what makes it resilient? There must be space for joy.
For the last four years the Department of Human Services and the library have joined with local community members and organizations to celebrate Welcoming Week, an initiative of Welcoming America.
As we considered Welcoming Week 2020 we asked,“how can we virtually build space so that every person in our community is invited to put their talents toward the creation of a welcoming, resilient and joyful community?” The truth is that there are many, many ways that we can connect with each other, each of them an important strand. This week we are going to start with food and an invitation.
Food sustains us; food shared sustains the community. We are inviting people to share recipes, the kind of recipes that they might make to welcome someone into their home or into the neighborhood. If you have a story to share about the recipe – even better! Recipes will be shared on the Engaged Princeton website.
We would also like to invite you to reflect, in this moment, about the ways you are connecting with others. Are you building online communities? Do you have a regular online meeting with friends or family? Are you going to classes? Are you finding it impossible? If you have a wish for what will come out of this time of change, what would it be? We hope you’ll share your thoughts.
Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash