Our “Top 5 for Under 5” monthly blog post typically includes highlights of upcoming events at the library and around town, as well as new picture books that have just arrived in the library, all recommended for children ages birth to five years old and their families. Even though the library’s physical book collection is temporarily unavailable, and all public gatherings and events have come to a halt, we still have plenty of suggestions to fill your days. Our top recommendation remains the same; always keep reading aloud with books from home and make time for lots of imaginative play and fun activities without a screen.
Virtual Learning Resources & Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Check our list of fun virtual activities specially curated for young children by PPL Youth Services staff. Selections include music streaming resources, online storytimes hosted by favorite authors, art and science DIY activities, and even virtual visits to the zoo!
Storytime With Jeff from jaZams
Previously, you could find Storytime With Jeff at jaZams Toy & Book Store in downtown Princeton every Wednesday morning. Lucky for us, even though jaZams has had to physically close its doors during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jeff continues to share storytime online every Wednesday morning at 10:30 a.m. Tune in and get ready to jump, sing and dance and listen to some great stories, of course!
Here’s a great screen-free option: listen to the Circle Round podcast presented by WBUR public radio. It’s a storytime radio play full of music and sounds that also includes free coloring pages to work on while listening. For more family and kid friendly podcasts, visit our Podcasts for Kids list curated by PPL Youth Services staff.
With your library card, you can access hundreds of animated, talking picture books through the library’s TumbleBooks subscription. This collection also includes read-along chapter books, foreign language titles, non-fiction, eBooks, audiobooks, puzzles and games.
Our friends, Lolly Hopwood and YoYo Kusters, are hosting FREE online parent and child fitness and yoga classes with YoYo and storytime with Lolly! Donations are always welcome, but not required. Get ready to exercise, stretch, dance, sing and read together from the comfort of your home.
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash