As we are nearing the grand opening of 2Reimagine, big and small details are coming together to transform your experience using our second floor. Let’s take a glimpse at some of what’s been happening behind the scenes lately as we prepare for the big day.
Planning for and bringing to life all of the services and collections has been like living a game of Jenga (the name Jenga is derived from a Swahili word meaning “build”). We’ve built the new second floor all over again, delicately balancing elements and always considering what the experience of the people using this floor will be. This past weekend, during hours that the library was closed, staff worked on the relocations of a few of our most popular collections. The New Nonfiction and Book Group Nonfiction collections have moved into their permanent homes on the second floor. These collections are located at the foundation of the space, and play a huge part in our effort to make you say, “Wow!” when you first arrive onto the new floor. They will be front and center. Similarly, our Travel books now live on the first floor shelving along the windows that line Witherspoon Street, which previously featured the New Nonfiction. This prime location on our first floor will make it easier for you to access this extremely sought-after collection, and will also allow us to highlight all of the beautiful guides and pictorials of far-away places. Consider it encouragement to dream, plan, and go.

In addition to working with the neighborhoods of books in Nonfiction, staff have also spent time in training to learn all of the details of the spaces, collections and services you will find with 2Reimagine. Earlier this month, we closed the library for a day devoted to exploring key features and understanding how the floor will be arranged. Even as the second floor remains a work-in-progress, our entire PPL team came together to tour the spaces, tinker with technology, and investigate the Nonfiction collection neighborhoods. Last week, more training focused on using the collaborative screen sharing software found in our study rooms and technology center, new presentation and meeting spaces’ technologies, and assistive technology for the hearing impaired. We will continue to anticipate the questions you might have in using the new space and have our answers ready and waiting. Please ask us.
As you can see, we’re getting ready to impress you. And we hope you will be impressed when you visit the reimagined second floor on March 25 (or after the grand opening). Stop by any time. It’s going to be THE place to be in town!
(“Jenga” by antony_mayfield is licensed under CC BY 2.0)