Test yourself and learn new digital literacy skills with self-guided modules featuring essential computer and software skills. Instructors will find unit projects, lesson plans and have the ability to track student progress. All materials available in English and Latin American Spanish.
Getting Started
- Sign up for an account to track your progress:
- From the landing page, click on “Sign up as a learner” (in blue).
- From here, you will be prompted to enter your email address, library/Northstar location. Follow the steps for setting up your account.
- You may take tests without a learner account by entering your first and last names and clicking on the “continue” button.
- Northstar is comprised of 4 major components:
- Digital Assessments: Anyone can take an assessment at any time to test their abilities.
- Self-directed learning modules to build skills in three major areas.
- Proctored assessments: Offers learners a certificate validating their skills.
- Class curriculum for instructors.
- Three major skill areas:
- “Essential Computer Skills:” includes Basic Computer Skills, Internet Basics, Using Email, Windows, and MacOS.
- “Software Skills:” includes Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and Google Docs.
- “Using Technology in Daily Life:” includes Social Media, Information Literacy, Career Search Skills, Accessing Telehealth Appointments, Your Digital Footprint, and Supporting K-12 Distance Learning.
- Proctored Assessments:
- Only those who have completed the Northstar Proctor training may proctor assessments.
- The training takes 30 minutes and is self-guided.
- If interested in becoming a proctor, please contact lbishop@princetonlibrary.org.
- Proctored Assessments can be done in person or virtually.
- Only those who have completed the Northstar Proctor training may proctor assessments.
- Northstar’s curriculum may be applied to both classroom and small group settings.
- Instructors will find unit projects, lesson plans, and have the ability to track student progress.
- The curriculum supports the College and Career Readiness for Adult Education (CCRS) and the ACES Transition Integration Framework.
Accessibility Features
- All lessons and materials are available in Latin American Spanish.
- Assessments offer instructions through audio, video and text.
- Closed captioning is available in all assessment modules.
- Modules are screen-reader compliant.