E-reader style

Over the last couple of weeks you may have seen people in the library or walking around town with red Princeton Public Library bags. “What are these cute, little bags?” you ask yourself, “What is the library up to now?” These red bags are the brand new carrying cases for our e-readers. Those of you who have checked out an e-reader with us before will remember the bulky plastic boxes in which they came. They are now being replaced with our easy-to-carry, compact, and convenient e-reader bags.

Many of our patrons have tried out our e-readers in the past, but some of you may not have been aware that you can borrow them from the library. We have the iPad 2, the Kindle Touch, the Kindle Fire, and the Barnes and Noble Nook. The Kindles come with books already downloaded onto them, and our Nooks come with content for children, teens, or adults. The loan period for the Kindles and the Nooks is one week, while the iPads can be checked out for three days. This service is perfect for anyone who is thinking about buying an e-reader and isn’t sure which one is right for them. You can check out a couple different ones, take them home in their snazzy, new carrying cases, and decide which is best for you. But act now because there is often a wait list for them! 

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