As spring and summer approach, traveling may be on your horizon. Our digital collection of books and magazines makes it easier than ever to bring your reading material with you wherever you go. Packing for trips these days is a skill. Since checking bags often means an extra punch to the wallet, I try to shove everything into my carry on to avoid paying additional fees. This means that I try to pack only the necessities. At one time, I may have had to leave my books and magazines behind to save space. Today, I can put all of my reading and listening material on one device, such as my phone, Kindle, or tablet.
I write this post having just returned from vacation. While on the plane, I was happy to see a large number of people reading books, news articles, and magazines, not in the traditional sense, but on their devices. I was also absolutely amazed to find that my airplane had free wi-fi 40,000 feet in the air. Technology has made it easier than ever for us to be connected to information and the Princeton Public Library strives to provide access to that information.
Here are some of the digital content services we offer that you may find useful on your trips. For a full list of all of our elibrary services, visit this page.
OverDrive- This collection of downloadable e-books and audiobooks is hand-picked with a focus on quality selections that meet the diverse reading and listening preferences of the Princeton community. Check out a maximum of five books at a time for up to 21 days. There are no overdue fees, and books are automatically returned to the library at the end of the loan period. Your OverDrive account can be synced on up to six different devices.
OneClick Digital– Enjoy this collection of downloadable e-books and audiobooks on your computer, mobile devices, or tablet. You may check out a maximum of three books at time for up to seven days. Like OverDrive, the books are automatically returned to the library at the end of the lending period.
Zinio- This service allows you to check out, download, and read full-color digital copies of over 80 magazine titles on a mobile device, laptop, or tablet.
New York Times– For those who have a wi-fi connection on their plane and in their hotel, we provide free online access to the New York Times, allowing you to stay up-to-date with current news. Contact the adult services department for details at 609-924-9529 ext. 1220.
While visiting my mom on my vacation, I learned that she was still paying for her audiobooks. With the amount of free content that libraries offer, no one – especially someone whose daughter is a librarian – should be paying for all of their e-books and audiobooks. Once she was set up on OverDrive, my mom was amazed at how fast and easy it is and she loved that she would be getting her books for free. We are always available at the Information Desk to help you learn how to use OverDrive and other services. You’ll find we are as passionate about helping our patrons as we are our own mothers.
Blog image by Jonas Tana, released under the Creative Commons license.