Exhibit Info
Love Thy Nature
Oct. 9, 2021 – Jan. 3, 2022
This exhibit depicts the interdependence of organisms, and the infinite number of organisms necessary to connect to form one bigger, inseparable entity. The interconnectedness of organic forms and the individual, as an interwoven part of an infinite natural community, solidifies that there are no structural or conceptual barriers between the ecosystem and all living species, which are unquestionably, indelibly, codependent.
Jamie’s exhibit at the library is displayed using a variety of upcycled frames in keeping with the environmental theme of the work and her passion for the natural world.
Artist Bio
Jamie Danielle Weiner
More of Jamie’s art can be found on Instagram.
Jamie Danielle Weiner majored in Medical Anthropology, minoring in Japanese, English Literature and Asian Studies at Skidmore College.
Her artistic training is multifaceted and began with Art Collaborations in Princeton over a 15-year period as both a student and teacher helper, and taking painting and sculpture courses at The Arts Council of Princeton, and The Hun School of Princeton. Jamie spent three summer terms in 2009 and 2010 at Cow House Studios, within a working farm in Wexford, Ireland, an all-encompassing art program which included travel to art venues and museums. In 2007, her art was displayed at the Princeton University Art Museum through a joint program set up by The Princeton Symphony Orchestra. Following some art classes at Skidmore College, Eye-Dentity Crisis, Jamie’s exhibition at Skidmore’s Case Gallery in early 2016, was followed by designing two T-shirts for the school and for Skidmore’s Anthropology Department. In 2015, Jamie designed a T-shirt for a girls’ basketball team and won an art contest, during her semester abroad at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. While residing with a Japanese host family in Shinjuku City, she developed an affinity for sketching using ultra-thin Japanese markers.
Jamie’s entire career following her graduation from Skidmore College in 2016 centered on helping others. She was a job coach at Community Options, then a certified nursing assistant at both Merwick Care & Rehabilitation Center and then Lehigh Valley Hospital. Jamie spent most of 2021 being a medical assistant at The Heart Care Group in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and just began a master’s program to become a physician associate (PA) at Salus University.
During reflective moments, Jamie continues sketching and sharing her works with others, which she considers her form of communication in isolation, but her main preoccupation remains to help others. Jamie’s connection to Princeton Public Library remains and is displayed since 2003 – her green star was chosen as the centerpiece of the library’s Ik-Joong Kang’s Happy World permanent exhibition, consisting of 3,700 pieces from the Princeton community made into tiles.