Book Expo, the largest annual book trade fair in America, recently ended at the Javits Center in New York City. I love attending it primarily because it gives me the opportunity to discover the best books that will be coming out in the next few months. However, since Book Expo is always held at cavernous convention centers like Javits it can be murder on my feet. The exhibitors know that the attendees are often suffering after hours of walking and some of them wisely line the floor of their booths with plush and inviting carpeting. I would like to take this opportunity to salute a few of exhibitors who provided some brief moments of podiatric relief during the conference.

Penguin Random House, one of the world’s largest publishers, did not disappoint with their soft and forgiving carpet. The beige color may be a bit uninspired but there were plenty of famous authors to distract me from the color of the flooring.

Independent Publishers Group (IPG) also featured some ridiculously comfortable carpet. Again, the color was a tad neutral but my feet did not complain., an agency set up to promote Italian publishers, featured this stylish and eye-catching pink carpet in their booth. While not quite as plush as the Penguin Random House or ITG carpets it was still very pleasing. The overall feel was more spongy than squishy.

Finally, my favorite: the Cookie Monster-blue W.W. Norton & Company booth. This booth was both pleasing for my eyes and feet. Norton, I should add, also publishes many excellent books. I want to thank all of the exhibitors at Book Expo but especially those that considered the plight of the attendees standing and walking for hours on end. I hope to visit you again next year.