We have thousands of titles in our physical and virtual library, and it can be daunting looking for exactly the right book. Browsing the new book display is one of my favorite ways to find a book, but sometimes you just need a little extra help or don’t have the time to browse the shelves. Here are alternative ways to find that next great summer read:
Personalized Picks allows you to give detailed clues that help library staff curate recommendations just for you. It’s like having your own personal team of librarians. You can choose to either receive an email with the book titles or have the books placed on hold so all you have to do is pick them up the next time you visit the library. This service is available for kids, teens and adults.
“Reads That Spark” book lists for high school and middle school students are curated lists of both high interest and high impact stories. These are great books to start conversations about sensitive topics. The books also make a great choice for any teen or adult summer book club.
Grade level book lists (8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) are curated by staff and regularly updated with new titles. There’s a mix of modern classics and the newest exciting titles.
Follow the PPL Teens Page on Bibliocommons to see recently created and updated book lists. Everything from Staff Picks to environmentally focused book lists and more.
Whether you are an avid reader or just looking for a fun casual summer read, the library has plenty of great ways to help you find your next book.
Photo by Link Hoang on Unsplash