The library serves its multilingual community with books, magazines and audiobooks in nine languages and provides online resources in many more languages.
Chinese / 中文
For adults / 成人
- Physical materials (books, audiobook CDs) available in the library
- Periodicals available in the library: 讀者文摘中文版 (Reader’s Digest Chinese edition), 世界日报 (World Journal), 傳記文學 (Biographical Literature)
- Ebooks and audiobooks available through Libby/Overdrive. To display the page in Chinese, click on “English” in the top right corner and select “中文(简体).”
- Audiobooks, music and comics and Cantonese music available through Hoopla. This link includes materials for adults and children.
- Magazines available through Libby/Overdrive
- Films, Mandarin films and Cantonese films available through Kanopy
- Films available through Access Video on Demand. First, log into Access Video on Demand. Then, click the prior “films” link to access the videos.
For youth / 儿童、青少年
- Physical materials (books) available in the library
- Magazines available in the library: 小小青蘋果 (Little Green Apple), 小小紅蘋果 (Little Red Apple), 小熊貓 (Little Red Panda), 枇杷 (Pipa), 紅蘋果 (Red Apple)
- Audiobooks, comics and music available through Hoopla
French / français
For adults / Pour adultes
- Physical materials (books, audiobook CDs) available in the library
- Periodicals available in the library: L’Express International, Paris Match
- Magazines, ebooks and audiobooks available through Libby/Overdrive
- Ebooks, music, audiobooks and comics available through Hoopla
- Films available through Kanopy
- Films available through Access Video on Demand.
For youth / Pour les jeunes
- Physical materials (books available in the library)
- Magazines available in the library: J’aime Lire, Popi, Wakou
- Music, ebooks and audiobooks available through Hoopla
- Ebooks available through TumbleBooks
- Magazines available through Libby/Overdrive
German / Deutsch
For adults / Erwachsene
- Physical materials (books, audiobook CDs) available in the library
- Periodicals available in the library: Der Spiegel
- Magazines, ebooks and audiobooks available through Libby/Overdrive
- Music, audiobooks and ebooks available through Hoopla.
- Films available through Kanopy
- Films available through Access Video on Demand. First, log into Access Video on Demand. Then, click the prior “films” link to access the videos.
For youth / Kinder und Jugen
- Physical materials (books available in the library)
- Music and audiobooks available through Hoopla
Hebrew / עברית
For adults / מבוגרים
- Music and audiobooks available through Hoopla
- Films available through Kanopy
- Films available through Access Video on Demand. First, log into Access Video on Demand. Then, click the prior “films” link to access the videos.
For youth / מבוגרים
- Physical materials (books available in the library)
Hindi / हिंदी
For adults / वयस्कों के लिए
- Physical materials (books, movies) available in the library
- Audiobooks, music, & comics available through Hoopla (This link includes materials for adults & children.)
For youth / युवाओं के लिए
- Audiobooks, music and comics available through Hoopla
Italian / italiano
For adults / Adulti
- Physical materials (books, audiobook CDs) available in the library
- Magazines available in the library: Panorama
- Ebooks, audiobooks and magazines available through Libby/Overdrive
- Music, audiobooks and ebooks available through Hoopla
- Films available through Kanopy
- Films available through Access Video on Demand. First, log into Access Video on Demand. Then, click the prior “films” link to access the videos.
For youth / Bambini e giovani adulti
- Physical materials (books available in the library)
- Music and ebooks available through Hoopla
- Magazines for children available through Libby/Overdrive
Japanese / 日本語
For adults / 成人用資料
- Physical materials (books, audiobook CDs) available in the library.
- Music and audiobooks available through Hoopla
- Magazines available through Libby/Overdrive
- Films available through Kanopy
- Films available through Access Video on Demand. First, log into Access Video on Demand. Then, click the prior “films” link to access the videos.
For youth / 児童用資料及び青少年用資料
- Physical materials (books available in the library)
- Music and audiobooks available through Hoopla
Korean / 한국어
For adults / 성인을위한
- Physical materials (books, audiobook CDs) available in the library
- Music and audiobooks available through Hoopla
- Films available through Kanopy
- Films available through Access Video on Demand. First, log into Access Video on Demand. Then, click the prior “films” link to access the videos.
For youth / 어린이, 청소년
- Physical materials (books available in the library)
- Music and audiobooks available through Hoopla
Russian / русский язык
For adults / для взрослых
- Physical materials (books, audiobook CDs) available in the library
- Audiobooks and music available through Hoopla
- Magazines available through Libby/Overdrive
- Films available through Kanopy
- Films available through Access Video on Demand. First, log into Access Video on Demand. Then, click the prior “films” link to access the videos.
For youth / для детей и подростков
- Physical materials (books available in the library)
- Audiobooks and ebooks available through Hoopla
Spanish / español
For adults / Adultos
- Physical materials (books, audiobook CDs) available in the library
- Magazines available in the library: People en Español
- Magazines, ebooks and audiobooks available through Libby/Overdrive. To display the page in Spanish, click on “English” in the top right corner and select “Espanol.”
- Music, ebooks, audiobooks and comics available through Hoopla
- Films available through Kanopy
- Films available through Access Video on Demand. First, log into Access Video on Demand. Then, click the prior “films” link to access the videos.
For youth / Niños y jóvenes
- Physical materials (books, and books + audio “read alongs” available in the library)
- Magazines available in the library: Caracola, Chop Chop, Highlights High Five Bilingue, Popi
- Magazines and ebooks available through Libby/Overdrive
- Ebooks, audiobooks, music and comics available through Hoopla
- Ebooks available through TumbleBooks
Databases / Bases de datos
- Brainfuse
- PressReader, featuring newspapers in a variety of languages
- Referencia Latina (EBSCO)
- World Book Spanish (for in-library use only / para usar solamente en la biblioteca)
More languages
If you don’t see what you’re looking for on this list, you can search Libby, Hoopla, Kanopy or Access Video on Demand.
To learn about more language resources the library has to offer, visit our Languages section of the eLibrary.