Like other listeners across the nation, a lump formed in my throat when I heard that Tom Magliozzi, who was known to so many as half of NPR’s famed “Car Talk” hosts had died at the age of 77 from complications of Alzheimer’s Disease. Anyone who has stumbled across the show would instantly recognize one of the most infectious laughs ever recorded. And, anyone who has found himself “wasting a perfectly good hour” listening to these guys answer listeners’ calls about car problems, would have to pause to reflect about this loss.
After hearing some snippets from the show, and others talk about Magliozzi during this morning’s car ride, “Morning Edition” featured an interview with Carlos Santanta, whose memoir, “The Universal Tone: Bringing My Story to Light,” was published today. It’s worth it to take the five minutes to listen to Santana talk about his upbringing, his goals, and this gem of who he is, “I am a reflection of your light.” What a tremendously simple statement when you think about it. We are all capable of how we frame our attitudes of what our lives look like, and more simply, what our days look like. To the extent that we are physically, mentally and emotionally capable, if each one of us remembered to care for the light we possess, the reflection of our own world would be significantly brighter.
Nobody’s perfect, yet each of us can offer our own pearls of wisdom based on experience. From Car Talk’s Twitter page, Magliozzi wrote, “Happiness equals reality minus expectations.” If that was the key behind that incredible laugh, then count me in. And, if you’re on a personal journey to shed more light on your days, below are a few books you might want to check out:
“The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” by Miguel Ruiz
Ruiz offers four principles that will most certainly improve your daily life: be impeccable with your word; don’t take anything personally; don’t make assumptions; and always do your best.
“Poser: My Life in Twenty-Three Yoga Poses” by Claire Dederer
Dederer admits to being part of Seattle’s organic, hip, trying-to-do-everything-right pack of moms, but writes honestly about her personal journey with dry wit. The lack of pretense is especially appealing as she continues to discover more about herself through her yoga practice, as well as her feeling that the more she does yoga, the worse she gets at it.
“The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself” by Michael A. Singer
Readers will discover what you can do to put an end to the habitual thoughts and emotions that limit your consciousness.
“You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise L. Hay
In this classic, Hay’s key message is, “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.”
Photo credit: K. Friberg