In continuation of our popular “Get to Know Us” blog posts, I caught up with Princeton Public Library staffer Seth Berens for an interview, looking to get the scoop on his time spent both in and out of the library. Seth works full time in the Lending Services department on the first floor where he oversees check-in of materials, processes missing and damaged items and assists customers, among other tasks. If you visit the first floor checkout desk or use the self-checkout stations you’ve probably seen him around!
Q: Thanks for taking the time to give us some insider info, Seth. How long have you worked at PPL?
A: I’ve worked here since July 2013.
Q: Did you use the library growing up?
A: Absolutely. I started using my town library at age seven. I was always bouncing off the walls and didn’t start reading much until I discovered Matt Christopher‘s books about sports. I wrote him a letter and received a template letter back and a cap that read “The Matt Christopher Fan Club.” I probably still have it somewhere.
Q: What was the last library item you checked out? Was it any good?
“This is How You Lose Her,” by Junot Diaz. It was pretty good. I decided to start reading books by people who are still alive, so we’ll see how that goes.
Q: What are you most likely to be doing on your days off?
A: Playing soccer, reading, writing, watching TV, or sleeping.
Q: Tell us a surprising fact about yourself.
A: I love to write fiction, so it’s nice being around all the books. (Author’s note: Seth received his MFA degree in Screenwriting from York University in Toronto in 2011.)
Q: If you could have lunch/dinner at any Princeton eatery, which would you choose?
A: There are so many good places. I guess Alchemist & Barrister’s or Chuck’s.
Q: What is your favorite part of working at the library?
A: Definitely the people. It’s nice to have a job that you look forward to going to every day. There are so many nice and interesting people I get to talk to. And even on the days I’m tired and don’t look forward to it, by the end of the day I’m glad I came!
Q: Can you share a notable library memory?
A: For Halloween my first year here I dressed up as Harry Potter. It was a lot of fun. I love the books and movies, and people say I look like him anyway, so it was the perfect costume. Some customers still call me “Harry”.
Q: What new technology or other innovations would you like to see the library adopt in the future?
A: I think the next big step should be with parking validation. I don’t know what exactly, but something that is more convenient for everyone.
(Image taken by blog post author and used with permission.)