A few months ago, my partner and I started watching the Greatest American Films of All Time, according to the American Film Institute, starting with #100. This is a long-term entertainment plan, given that finding the time to watch even one movie per week is challenging. Prior to this undertaking, I might watch one movie a month, so this is an odd exercise to watch a lot of movies I’ve never seen, and might not seek out unless they were on this list. They also have no thematic tie-in to one another, other than appearing on this list. The result is a jumble of movies which move between time periods, styles, and themes. I’m about halfway through the list and have been pleasantly surprised by the majority of the films. In between completing Adult Summer Reading and other summer plans, check out a few of these movies to stay home, stay cool, and be entertained.
Older, oddball movies that stand the test of time

For some dark themes and dark characters

Movies with recent sequels (and Harrison Ford)

Blade Runner’s sequel, Blade Runner 2049, came out in 2018, and Indiana Jones’ most recent incarnation is 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Photo by Georgia Vagim on Unsplash