Our Summer Reading program for adults has begun! This year, we’re challenging you to read in a variety of genres and formats. Most readers already know what they like, and what they really don’t like, but it’s the stuff in between that poses the problem. You know people who read romance, fantasy, or poetry, for example, but you don’t, and you’re not sure where to start to find something you’ll enjoy. It’s helpful to know that fiction (and even nonfiction) rarely stays in its lane; crossovers and bridges are everywhere.
Always on the lookout for mysteries and thrillers? Try fantasy by Ben Aaronovitch or Darynda Jones (Jones’s could also tick the “romance” box); for young adult titles, check out E. Lockhart or Salla Simukka.
Are you a fantasy reader who prefers thick books in long series and doesn’t normally try the shorter stuff? Check out short stories by N.K. Jemisin or Neil Gaiman, or poetry by Anne Carson or Amal El-Mohtar.
Do you love science fiction in film? Explore a nonfiction title by Dave Addey, Margot Lee Shetterly, or Ryan North.
Never touched a graphic novel? You’ll find something for every taste: Try Brian K. Vaughan and Tillie Walden for fantasy and science fiction enthusiasts, Nora Krug and John Lewis for readers of memoir and history, Jules Feiffer for noir fans, and Marjane Satrapi (best known for her graphic memoirs) for readers of romance and women’s fiction.
A steady reader of literary fiction? Break into new genres with Kazuo Ishiguro, P.D. James, Kate Atkinson, and Marlon James.
To help you succeed, library staff has put together exciting, diverse lists of titles for every phase of your moon log to help point you toward your next read, all of which are available on the Summer Reading home page. But wait, there’s more! We regularly create new booklists that are always available to you on our website, and you can find reviews and readalikes through BookPage and NoveList in our databases. Or, just ask us: Stop by one of the desks (you’ll also find some suggested titles stacked at the Welcome Desk) or fill out a Book It request. The beauty of reading challenges is that they push you to try new genres and formats, to open yourself up to something that might be a new favorite. We’re here to help.
Photo Credit: Ben White, Unsplash