Have you put off preparing your tax returns? It’s not too late. Appointments at the library with AARP tax volunteers are still available between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. on Monday, April 13. The volunteers will be on hand at the library to prepare and file your personal New Jersey and/or federal tax returns.
There is no fee for this service aimed at moderate-to-low income filers. The volunteers will work with you one-on-one to complete this task that so many of us dread. You will need to bring in whatever financial information is needed for your returns, including: copies of last year’s tax returns and all necessary 2014 tax documentation including W-2 and 1099 forms, unemployment statements, SSA-099 Social Security forms, property tax bills, dependent care provider information, and receipts for itemized deductions, such as medical bills and charitable contributions. Lists of medical bills and out-of-pocket medical expenses shoud be totalled. If you get your insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace (Obamacare), you will need to bring in the 1095-A form. Please be aware that the volunteers are not available to consult with if you have tax questions. They also cannot prepare any business taxes or tax returns that include business expenses, such as rental income.
To schedule your appointment, call us at 609-924-9529, x1220. The deadline to file taxes is just around the corner. Don’t put this off any longer. Sign up today.
Photo courtesy of flickr user Robbert van der Steeg.