Tis the season or “the tax man cometh”

It’s that time of the year when we all have to turn our minds to the dreaded annual task: income tax returns. Many people hire an accountant or buy software to help them with this necessity of life, but for those who are not able to do so, the library is here to help. Every Monday, now through April 14th, PPL is once again partnering with AARP’s Tax volunteers, led by Bob Altman, to offer free tax filing (Federal and New Jersey) to seniors and people of low and moderate income.

Individuals with simple personal tax returns (not business) are welcome also. Customers can request appointments by contacting the Information Desk as soon as they have all of their tax materials ready. Appointments usually last about an hour and take place between 9 am and noon. At the end of a session, customers will have their taxes electronically filed and can wash their hands of the process for another year.

For those who need tax forms to prepare their own taxes, we have a small, but growing, collection of paper forms for some of the most popular ones such as 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ and various schedules. This collection contains only Federal forms; New Jersey does not distribute paper forms to libraries any longer. Our most popular form is the 1040 instruction booklet and at the moment we have plenty to distribute. We also have a selection of popular forms that are laminated and are available to be photocopied as well as the standard collection of reproducible forms.

Federal forms are always available online, as are New Jersey tax forms. While we cannot tell you which forms you need to file, we are able to help you print the forms from the website once you have selected them. There is a $.15 per page charge for printing.

So please contact us to schedule your appointment, or stop by to pick up some forms.