I adore books. I love the crisp, clean pages of a new release, the way a small paperback fits perfectly in your purse, even the old, musty smell of a great library book. Because of this infatuation, I have a long list of books on my “To Be Read” list – 162 books to be exact. Lucky for me, fall is upon us, and what better way to spend a chilly, fall day than curled up with a large cup of coffee and a great book. Since I know that I’m not the only bibliophile in Princeton, here are some tips to help you tackle your ever-growing To Be Read (TBR) stack:
- Listen to audiobooks – I was very reluctant to listen to audiobooks at first but now, I’m so happy I started. Not only do audiobooks give you a new perspective on your favorite book or, in certain cases, allow you to hear it in the author’s own voice, they are also great for getting through your TBR stack. You can listen while driving, cleaning, exercising or pretty much any daily activity. Listen to audiobooks and whittle that stack down in no time.
- Organize – Organizing your stack can be very helpful when it comes to tackling your TBR list. Putting the books in size order, alphabetical order by title or by author’s last name, or publication date will bring order to your list and may give you a “plan of attack,” so to speak.
- Give yourself a reading challenge – Every year, I give myself a reading challenge or goal to meet by the end of the year. This can be done on a yearly, monthly or, if you are really ambitious, weekly basis. Having this goal to meet helps to keep me in the reading mindset and allows me to keep attacking the TBR stack.
- Know when to give up – If you’re halfway through a book and you’re just not interested, put it down. You’re not being graded or quizzed on the material and life is too short to read something you’re not enjoying. You can then devote that time to another book on your stack!
- Read the shortest books first – You can get through a few of the shorter books on your list in the same amount of time it will take you to read one of the longer books. If you read the shorter books first, you will see that TBR list start decreasing.
- TBR Jar – Such a fun activity. Write the name of each book on a piece of paper and put them all in a jar. When it’s time for a new book, pick a slip from the jar and that’s the next book you will read. It’s fun and saves you from having to make the decision!
I hope these tips and tricks for tackling your To Be Read pile are helpful to you. Next up on my TBR list is “Convenience Store Woman” by Sayaka Murata. Stop by the library and tell me what’s next for you!
Photo courtesy of the author.