Looking for reading recommendations? We have a new resource for you: the LibraryReads collection, featuring ten new titles each month chosen by librarians across the country. Every month librarians nominate forthcoming books across all genres (including fiction, Young Adult fiction, and nonfiction) as their favorite new titles. The ten books that get the most nominations become the LibraryReads list for that month. These are the sort of books that are just beginning to generate some buzz and we are more than happy to get them into your hands.

The LibraryReads collection (now small, but growing month-by-month) is housed on the first floor shelves just past the main staircase, before the New Suspense and New Fiction books. We put the collection close to the Welcome Desk and to our own staff picks (on a spinner rack by the desk) and our Book Group Fiction and Nonfiction collections. Combine all these collections with the expertise and opinions of the library staff and you will never leave the building without something new and interesting to read.
We are often asked if you have to be a member of a book group to use the Book Group collections. The answer is no, everyone can browse and borrow the books on those shelves. The Book Group titles have been chosen by our librarians for the groups they run at the library and by many different book groups around town. Essentially these titles have been vetted by some of our more avid readers and you can always find something good to read just by browsing the shelves. In fact, we often use those collections to help readers chose the next book they want to read.
Please let us know what you think of the Library Reads titles. Happy reading!